Betway Sign Up

How to open a Betway account

To sign in as a customer in the Zambian version of the European bookie, Betway is one of the most elementary things I have ever done in the internet. By having in mind that the Zambian customers aren’t’ among the most experienced online users, the betting company’s development team has done everything possible to make this procedure easy enough for every one of us to complete it successfully.

I will try to make your registration even easier by showing you my personal experience as to this procedure in Betway. I will present you step by step the whole process of opening an account here, so I can eliminate even the least possibility for any of you to fail in registering in the page, too.

What you are required in this case is simply to follow my steps and you will succeed in registering in the betting platform as fast as I could have. The whole process – from entering the page to login your personal and officially registered account – took me nearly 3-4 minutes. By having a detailed guide in front of you, your registration might also take so short time. Anyway, we need to confirm that these 3 or 4 minutes are nothing especially when knowing that you can use this account for your entire life and that you can always take the benefits of the gambling operator’s betting offers and bonuses.

Step 1 – Entering the page and opening the form

The first step I did in order to register in Betway was to enter the page of this betting house and then, to open the specially tailored form that is made for the customers to fill in their personal data, which, on the other side, is necessary for the registration.

This registration form will load in your browser once you click on the Sign Up button. This same button can be found at the same place no matter what device you use to visit the betting page – either for computers, or for mobile devices. The button is situated in the top right side of your screen. The situation with the app is a bit more different, though. When I firstly opened the app, it welcomed me directly with an invitation for registration in the gambling system.

Step 2 – Filling the registration form

So, once I opened the form, on my screen I saw three fields to fill in:

  • A field for my telephone number
  • A field for the password I want to use to enter my account
  • A field for my e-mail address

Betway registration form

Based on my experience with other bookies, where I was made to fill in endless registration forms with various fields you cannot even think off right now, I can tell you for sure that Betway does offer one of the most possible fast and shortest registration process ever. I wasn’t even required to fill in all of these three fields as the third field, where I am supposed to fill in my e-mail address is not required on mandatory, but I preferred to fill it in in order to later, receive notifications about the company’s newest and hottest offers.

Besides filling in the three fields, I also had to mark that I am of a legal age and that I have met the gambling operator’s website terms and conditions.

Step 3 – Completing the registration

Right at the bottom of the registration form there was a green button with a notice Register. When I clicked on it, I was directly transferred to my personal account.

Betway successful registration

I have to mention that this is one of the few bookmakers (or at least of those I have experience with) where I wasn’t required to confirm my registration by entering some codes which is a practice most of the bookies these days use. They send the customers the code directly to the provided e-mail or telephone number. Anyway, such a confirmation saves some time and lets me make my first deposit as soon as possible (about my personal experience with depositing funds in Betway you can read in a different article, called Betway How to deposit?) so I can start betting immediately!

As you might have assured yourself, the registration process in the well-known European operator of gambling services, Betway has made everything possible to simplify people’s lives by letting them becoming the bookie’s customers easily and quickly!